Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Amazing Stupid Eskimoes

So the eskimos won the grey cup. Yay!!! So my wife, father-in-law, and I decided to go see the grey cup parade downtown. We got there and it was so packed and we could barely see as the players were introduced. O my poor sweet little Katie! Then we went to get autographs and the line was sooo long. When we were about to get our autographs the security guard cut off the line so we waited for nothing.
We did get to see Ricky Ray up close as he walked by out line. Another weird thing happened as the players walked by I held out my fist and the eskimoe players would make a fist and hit mine (it's sort of a trendy handshake). well one player came with an open hand like he wanted to shake hands while I was still making my fist and as I went to switch to handshaking mode our hands just lightly touched, it was quite awkward and gay. If you were that eskimo and are reading this now, I meant nothing by it and I am a happily married man.
The pics are of Katie having a great time and the other is the side of my face with a nerdy eskimo in the background dreaming of being a computer programmer
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
amazing fatness
Unfortuneatly when I was in grade 8 I was fat. I was called "a pig with hair", "fatso", "blubber but", "porker", "Aaron the fatty stupid pig" and varoius other names. What is society's obsession with being slim. Since I have got back from Thailand and I have already gained 15 pounds. Whenever I pick up a peice of food my wife gently reminds me, "Aaron stop eating!". I have tried to start working out again but alas the pounds seem to be coming anyway. Some people are so lucky like Nate, he eats fat strips off of ducks and does not gain a pound and stays as skinny as a rail basking in the sunshine of slimness. O the days when I slim, O how I miss you. Come back skinny Aaron, come back!
Monday, November 07, 2005
amazing journey's
I think we are all on amazing journey, for me I have been inspired by the Michael W. Smith song "Go West, Young man". I am searching for a "heart that's golden", this does not mean I want material gold but it means i have to contribute to the lives of others. I heard at church this weekend about a group of guys who are dedicating 7 years to the ministry, I think this is a very noble thing to do and I may try it myself. I have a brother who is also on a journey he's "looking for a reason, roaming thru the night to find his place in this world, his face in this world", unfortuneatly theres not alot to lean on he needs help, help from a higher being, I don't know. One of his goals is to be a famous rock star, which i think is cool and he is more than capable of doing it. The funny thing is many rock stars after a while realize there's not a lot to lean on and they need to find there place in this world. Let's look at Nate favourite band Linkin Park and the lyrics "I wanna heal, I wanna feal what I thought was never real, i wanna find something I wanted all along, somewhere I belong" this is the same idea as the Michael W Smith song, place in this world. Linkin part realizes the emptiness of life and desires to make a change. there are alot of crazy rock stars that have turned to a "higher power" including Alice Cooper, Megadeath, Mace, Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins. eventually we should all have the yearning to go west ...unless we're retarded.
Friday, November 04, 2005
amazing bird flu
I've been hearing on the news all this talk of bird flu and how it is going to be the next epidemic. Basically, reporters are just trying to scare us. Why must we kill all these birds that I could potentially be eating at KFC one day, this is terrible. Those poor innocent creatures that have been couped up their whole lives. They've been force fed and crapped on by the chicken in the cage above them, what a tradgedy and then to die because someone thinks they have a flu. I seem to recall my parents not killing me when I had the flu.
I know you're thinking "amazing Aaron, how can you say this?". Well I've had bird flu in Thailand and let me tell you, it ain't no thang but a chicken wing. Aaron out. Peace.
I know you're thinking "amazing Aaron, how can you say this?". Well I've had bird flu in Thailand and let me tell you, it ain't no thang but a chicken wing. Aaron out. Peace.