Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Amazing Stupid Eskimoes

So the eskimos won the grey cup. Yay!!! So my wife, father-in-law, and I decided to go see the grey cup parade downtown. We got there and it was so packed and we could barely see as the players were introduced. O my poor sweet little Katie! Then we went to get autographs and the line was sooo long. When we were about to get our autographs the security guard cut off the line so we waited for nothing.
We did get to see Ricky Ray up close as he walked by out line. Another weird thing happened as the players walked by I held out my fist and the eskimoe players would make a fist and hit mine (it's sort of a trendy handshake). well one player came with an open hand like he wanted to shake hands while I was still making my fist and as I went to switch to handshaking mode our hands just lightly touched, it was quite awkward and gay. If you were that eskimo and are reading this now, I meant nothing by it and I am a happily married man.
The pics are of Katie having a great time and the other is the side of my face with a nerdy eskimo in the background dreaming of being a computer programmer