Monday, February 27, 2006
amazing mullets

Unfortuneatly, I have noticed alot of nerds these days without mullets. Mullets first came to my attention after my wife said to me, "I beseech you!, please grow a long beautiful mullet". I have a little saying I like to use to make my marraige a little bit smoother, it goes like this, "Whatever honey wants, honey gets". I applied this saying to my present problem and I grew my wife a beautiful mullet. Mullets are totally back in style. One of my favourite passtimes is reading the Fashion section of the journal and the journal seems to agree with me that mullets are coming back. Life is short, don't let time pass you by, grow the mullet. Ladies, you too, I've seen those women mullets and they are totally awesome!
Monday, February 20, 2006
amazing names

People from other countries have terrible names. Since I've been watching the Olympics I've noticed 2 horrific names. Let's take a look a the Swedish hockey player Asserholt, what kind of a last name is this. The worst one was the chinese speed skater Manli Wang. I wish I was joking about this one. How could someone name their daughter Manli Wang, C'mon now. Why can't parents just give their kids amazing names like Aaron. Aaron is a great name, there have been many great Aaron's like Aaron the high preist of Israel, Aaron Carter the pop star and well that's about it, still a great name though.
Also congrats to Tim Hortons for a great commercial. I'm talking about the one where the Chinese grandfather comes to watch the hockey game. Since I have grown up in a very strict Chinese household this commercial really meant alot to me. I wept the first time I saw this commercial. It brought back so many memories of how I was supposed to "sudy hard, not always hockey". what a beautiful commercial. I think i'll go get a Double Double.
Friday, February 17, 2006
more amazing penguins

Due to extreme temperatures and insane amounts of gas fumes the robot penguin eye has suffered greatly. Hollywood investors who have shelled out gross amounts of money creating an army of robot penguins were hit hard again when they realized the would have to outfit all the pengiuns with glasses. The penguins first wanted contact lenses but the penguins wanted all those new weird contact lens colors so glasses were deemed as the best choice which is suprising because pengiuns don't have ears. O well. Once the glasses were in place the penguins exibited very strange behaviour. They started doing a lot of math and wearing pens in thier plumage. Robotic engineers are having a hard time working on the penguins as the penguins are usually too busy surfing the net or watching Star Wars.
Friday, February 10, 2006
amazing penguins

I was horified to discover that the penguins I saw in "March of the Penguins" were actually robots. These were some of the most sophiticated robots ever used. The sad part of it is most of the money going to robot research these days is mostly from Hollywood, thus Hollywood gets the best robots. I am extremely upset that I don't have a robot doing my household chores yet they wasted valuable robots in March of the Penguins. Life to me is all about relationships, relationships with robots. That is precisely why we must invest money into research for AI. I'm calling this quest robotrevolution. Who is with me?