Monday, February 20, 2006
amazing names

People from other countries have terrible names. Since I've been watching the Olympics I've noticed 2 horrific names. Let's take a look a the Swedish hockey player Asserholt, what kind of a last name is this. The worst one was the chinese speed skater Manli Wang. I wish I was joking about this one. How could someone name their daughter Manli Wang, C'mon now. Why can't parents just give their kids amazing names like Aaron. Aaron is a great name, there have been many great Aaron's like Aaron the high preist of Israel, Aaron Carter the pop star and well that's about it, still a great name though.
Also congrats to Tim Hortons for a great commercial. I'm talking about the one where the Chinese grandfather comes to watch the hockey game. Since I have grown up in a very strict Chinese household this commercial really meant alot to me. I wept the first time I saw this commercial. It brought back so many memories of how I was supposed to "sudy hard, not always hockey". what a beautiful commercial. I think i'll go get a Double Double.