Thursday, January 26, 2006
amazing buffness

So over the last little while or so I've had numerous people come up to me and say, "Aaron why must you be so buff like this", I usually chuckle and say, "that's the way God made me". God makes people in all shapes and sizes and he chose me to be huge and ripped. On a recent visit to the doctor I was informed that my muscles were getting to big for my skin, the doctor told me to stay off the weights but of course I paid no attention to his advice and worked out twice that very day.
For all you skinny nerds and stamp collectors out there try to follow my routine:
1. Get pumped up before you go to the gym, personally I crank the lastest Hillary Duff tune or some Baha men classics in my tape player on the way to the gym.
2. Put on the clothes you are going to work out in on before going to the gym. Rule of thumb: Time spent changing could be time spent pumping iron.
3. Grunt as loud as you can while working out and when finishing your set throw the weights on the floor to make a big crash. This will draw lots of attention to your pipes and increase your self esteem.
4. Bring a really skinny stamp collector friend along with you. The constrast between your puny friend and your guns will also improve your self esteem.
5. Don't worry about form, load up the weights. It looks awesome.
6. Ask the gym attendant in a real loud vioce, "Do you have any heavier weights?", Insist that the weights they have are insufficient to meet your needs. Make sure everyone hears you.
So all you nancy boys out there listening to your Phantom of the Opera soundtracks its time to get out there and start pumping iron.
Monday, January 23, 2006
amazing wife
I can't believe my wife is willing to donate he bone barrow in an upcoming bone marrow transplant while she is pregnant, what a great wife! Way to go Katie!
Monday, January 16, 2006
amazing siblings in law

When I got married one of the bonus's was my new siblings in law. Probably my favourite thing about my siblings in law is that none of them have glasses. O wait all of them do, except Rachel most of the time. One of the great things about my new brothers in law is that they are not nerds. Often when I go over to the Snyder residence Robbie will say, "hey Aaron would you like to surf the net with me", which is totally awesome and so much fun. Then Zach will say, "Let's do math, for fun!!", and I say, "Dude, lets math it up, boo yeah". After all the net surfing and math Katie and I will go try and talk to Rachel, but it is hard to get her attention as she is usually thinking of new computer programs she can write, she rocks at computers. Last but not least we hang out with Sarah, we usually enjoy checking out her pocket protecctor collection as well as her Star Wars figurene collection, which are all in their original wrappings. Yeah we know how to party, so what? Well most of this isn't true except for the time Robbie and I surfed the net. We might be nerds but if we are that is good because NERD stands for Nerver Ending Radical Dude. Boo yeah
Thursday, January 12, 2006
amazing Nare

I guess I would describe my relationship between my brother and sister as:
1. A friend
2. A brother
3. An entertainer
Jill and Nare are always saying things like, "oh Aaron you're so funny", or "oh Aaron you're jokes are hillarious", and I usually say "yeah of course". Basically I like to have a lot of laughs and gags to spice things up. Jill often says things like, "Aaron you're humor is the best" and I say, "yeah I know". Basically when I'm around my siblings I'm constantly doing shows for them, mostly comedy shows. When visitors come to our house they usually say "wow you're so funny it's like I'm watching a hillarious TV show" and I say "yeah, true, true". But I don't do it for gratitude, it's not like I want Jill and Nare to say "oh thanks for all the awesome laughs" or "thinks for being so witty. My main goal is for them to see me on the street and think, "oh! theres Aaron Wong, I should really go up to him and thank him".
Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hey all you nerds without moustaches! Moustaches are now the coolest. I decided to grow one after my wife begged me to and 3 weeks later the budding hairs blossomed into a beautiful moustache. I usually don't like to brag about myself but I am hot. So I would like everyone to share my joy and grow a moustache, even the ladies. Boo yeah.