Thursday, January 26, 2006
amazing buffness

So over the last little while or so I've had numerous people come up to me and say, "Aaron why must you be so buff like this", I usually chuckle and say, "that's the way God made me". God makes people in all shapes and sizes and he chose me to be huge and ripped. On a recent visit to the doctor I was informed that my muscles were getting to big for my skin, the doctor told me to stay off the weights but of course I paid no attention to his advice and worked out twice that very day.
For all you skinny nerds and stamp collectors out there try to follow my routine:
1. Get pumped up before you go to the gym, personally I crank the lastest Hillary Duff tune or some Baha men classics in my tape player on the way to the gym.
2. Put on the clothes you are going to work out in on before going to the gym. Rule of thumb: Time spent changing could be time spent pumping iron.
3. Grunt as loud as you can while working out and when finishing your set throw the weights on the floor to make a big crash. This will draw lots of attention to your pipes and increase your self esteem.
4. Bring a really skinny stamp collector friend along with you. The constrast between your puny friend and your guns will also improve your self esteem.
5. Don't worry about form, load up the weights. It looks awesome.
6. Ask the gym attendant in a real loud vioce, "Do you have any heavier weights?", Insist that the weights they have are insufficient to meet your needs. Make sure everyone hears you.
So all you nancy boys out there listening to your Phantom of the Opera soundtracks its time to get out there and start pumping iron.
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Hey Aaron,
Don't forget the protein shakes my friend. A key ingredient to stellar pipes!
I forgot your e-mail address so hopefully this will let you link to my blog which should be up and running.
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Don't forget the protein shakes my friend. A key ingredient to stellar pipes!
I forgot your e-mail address so hopefully this will let you link to my blog which should be up and running.
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