Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Amazing Oilers Part 3

I've always hated anihiem and if theres one type of animal I hate it's a duck, so i wrote a little poem about it:
Kill all the ducks
Kill all the ducks
All the ducks in the world
all the mallards, all the canvasbacks
shoot them and sell them to China so they can have Peking Duck
pollute all the lakes in the world with oil
erase the habitat of the duck
let the duck be covered in oil and them light them on fire
shoot all the ducks in the sky and let thier bodies rain from heaven
Kill Temmu, kill nediermeyer, both of them
O how I loathe Friesen, Lupul and Salei
you won 2 series and became proud, now you are nothing.
even the lowliest of creatures has more respect than you
The oil runs thick covering the land
Peca, we used to hate your ugly face
the stench of your ugliness has turned into the sweet smell of success
Pisani we adore you even though your nose is long
Torres you are like a little tank, fueled by oil, engineered to kill
O how I love you Oilers, kill and show no mercy
Friday, May 12, 2006
amazing playoff poems

While at work the other day one of my co-workers was talking about how she prays in Jesus name for the Oilers to score. The Oilers are in a pivitol game tonight and I decided to write another playoff poem here it is:
Death to the Sharks
Woe to you predator of the sea
your time has come
the tanker has sunk
and now the water runs thick with oil
the sharks will perish
harpoon the shark
cut off his dorsal fin
and throw him back in the ocean to die
to bleed to death in the salty water
watch as Cheechoo shots are stopped
As the mighty Thorton is dethroned
Toskala, your time has come too
you will be the ruin of the shark family
Hail Ryan Smyth
whose mullet is like a flock of goats decending Mt Gilead
Pronger your chest is like two firm pomegrantes
Roloson, you were once despised, now you are loved
Oilers unleash your fury tonight!!!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
amazing Mexico

Today Katie and I got back from Mexico. We had a great trip, the kids were awesome. Many children in Mexico have to fend for themselves as their parents are cracked out. We built a building that will house Rob and Michelle Campbell so they can help kids, part of the building will also be a classroom for the kids.
On the last night a few of us showered outside which turned into a show for the kids. The showers inside the existing house kept clogging up so showering outside became the best option.
One of the less amazing things about the trip was the smell of constant poo in the van we drove. Being in a van with 12 other people for 2 days resulted in the travelling outhouse smell. I must confess I released alot of gas myself.