Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Phelps blows!

Hello Blog Readers,
This post is about how much Michael Phelps blows. It is ironic that the most decorated 2008 Olympian is the biggest loser ever. He was looked up to by so many Americans and he let them all down by his drug lust behaviour. he should be stripped of all his medals and be made to pay back all the sponsor money that he stole. He is a shame and a disgrace. The words degenerate and reprobate also come to mind. Well, he should have never won any medals in the first place, he should have been stripped of all medals and expelled from the Olympic after all the yelling he did after the mens relay. What good can come off this? Hopefully some people will learn not to be an idiot like Phelps.
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I hope you were joking when you wrote this. I think if anything, he should be held on a higher (No pun intended) pedestal for managing to get eight medals while having diminished lung capacity lol. If anything, him smoking weed would be handi-cap, not an advantage.
Also, I don't see you ragging on atheletes than drink Aaron.
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Also, I don't see you ragging on atheletes than drink Aaron.
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