Wednesday, November 22, 2006


amazing unnessary conservatism

I was thinking this morning about conservatism and how it is really nice. Unfortunately nice is not good enough. I am considering switching my philosophy in life to unnecessary conservatism. This school of thought will allow me to take conservatism to the extreme. I used to enjoy saying things like "boo yeah", but now I realize that this phrase is not as conservative as I would like it to be. Boo yeah is not something I would want to say in a professional setting. I just feel like I need to take the plunge into a world where I interpret everything literally. I just want to go that extra mile, do some serious judging. On my tombstone I want it to say "here lies the most unnecessarily conservative man who ever lived".

That's a pretty big project. You'll have to start thinking you know everything and anyone who opposes you on the smallest matter is evil and perverse. You will also need to stop smiling, using the internet, and reading/listening to/thinking about anything produced after 1900. You will also have to have at least 8 kids, homeschool them, and teach them not to think rationally.

Anyone can be conservative, but it takes a special kind of man to be an uber-conservative.
I agree, some other conservative things I'd like to work on are brushing my teeth 3 times a day, tucking in my shirt always, and bascially making sure my physical appearence is as neat and tidy as possible. All the while, hiding and suppressing any emotional struggles that may be happening.

I'll be honest, it's a tough road ahead.
boo yeah aaron. nothing witty to say except that i'm enjoying your blogs.
Thanks so much Arron, your blog has really helped me on my life. not only am i your biggest follower, i'm also making disciples of my own. for instance about a month ago i saw that one of my students was starting to wear baggy clothes and he had a new cool way of talking to me which was very disrespectful. i told him he needed to change and become more like you. subsequently he read through your blog and now he has started to wear dress pants and nerdy brown casual shoes. and now not only is he looking better but his musical abilities are flurishing. although he has decided to give them up to pursue a career as an activist against abortion.
neat blog... we'll be checking this more often :) can't wait to see you guys in december! em and trent.
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