Sunday, July 23, 2006
Amazing Marriage Tips
Congratulations Jon and Rachel here are a few tips that I didn't get to say at your wedding because we ran out of time:
1. Marriage is built on trust, thus there is no need to keep secrets and it is fun spending time together and learning things about your spouse. However, there is one thing that you should never tell your spouse about and the answer is quite obvious, traffic tickets. This may seem dishonest but what benefit can come from telling your spouse about your traffic ticket. How is saying “Sorry honey it’s going to be another slow Christmas because I didn’t wear my seatbelt” going to brighten someone’s day? I would never tell my wife about any of my numerous tickets and I told her to never to tell me about hers, I am happier not knowing and you will be too.
2. Finances can be tough during the first year of marriage so it is a really good idea to wear clothes over again before washing. It saves money on soap as well your clothes don’t wear out so fast from the washing machine. However wearing pants more than once poses significant problems, it is imperative that you take the socks and underwear out of the pants before wearing them again and this is tricky because sometimes the sock and underwear like to hide in the legs. Always check the legs, because when that underwear pops out the bottom of your pants while you are at work you are going to be embarrassed and it will most likely ruin your day, and if you bring that pain home you may ruin your spouses day as well.
3. Having a spouse is great and your spouse is your best friend. Even though your spouse is your best friend he or she is not your camp best friend. Thus it is not a good idea to give your spouse the Dutch oven. For those of you who don’t know what a Dutch oven is the correct answer is when two people are laying in bed and one person flatulates and pull the covers over the other person’s head trapping the flatulence in an enclosed area, prolonging the stench. Although this may seem like a good idea at the time it never really is, so my advice is treat your partner with the love and respect they deserve unless they tell you about their traffic ticket then its Dutch oven time.
4. When people get married they often develop routines, some people like routines others find them boring and mundane. So if you think life is getting too boring try spicing it up a bit using the following ideas, hide your spouse’s keys, when they fall asleep turn off their alarm, all are great ways to spice up life.
5. Communication, communication is so important. You have to communicate to get to know each other better. But sometimes you just don’t feel like it. Sometimes it may be weird and awkward, let’s say hypothetically if Rachel plugs the toilet, not that that’s ever happened before. But if it did, this is no time to avoid one another but it is a time to communicate and solve a problem the way two people in love should. And I think you guys are both great communicators and a lovely couple, communication will be great between you as long as Rachel can refrain from plugging your toilet like she did a few Tuesdays ago and numerous times before. Don’t worry Rachel I still poop my pants on a regular basis which is a lot worse than plugging a toilet.
6. Have some good times. Enjoy being around each other. Have a few laughs, tell some jokes. Even though this might be hard for John who had some serious problems cracking a joke during the first few months of the dating process. Actually this may be beneficial as women love there man to be serious. So maybe go without for the jokes as long as you can.
7. Faith, you got to have some faith in a marriage, faith in God. God designed marriage and he can play the most important role if you let Him. Obviously marriage can happen without God but that doesn’t mean it’s to be done, I can steer my bike with my feet if I want to that doesn’t make it a good idea. But I don’t think faith should be a big problem for you two, especially Rachel who believed that any key would work in her car. Well she put the mailbox key into the ignition but it got stuck, she then tried to force it out with her foot but ended up breaking off the top piece leaving the remainder of the key stuck in the ignition. Well one week and a new lock later the car was up and running again. Rachel sorry for yet another embarrassing story but once again I soil my pants on a regular basis if you can beat that then I’ll shut up.
1. Marriage is built on trust, thus there is no need to keep secrets and it is fun spending time together and learning things about your spouse. However, there is one thing that you should never tell your spouse about and the answer is quite obvious, traffic tickets. This may seem dishonest but what benefit can come from telling your spouse about your traffic ticket. How is saying “Sorry honey it’s going to be another slow Christmas because I didn’t wear my seatbelt” going to brighten someone’s day? I would never tell my wife about any of my numerous tickets and I told her to never to tell me about hers, I am happier not knowing and you will be too.
2. Finances can be tough during the first year of marriage so it is a really good idea to wear clothes over again before washing. It saves money on soap as well your clothes don’t wear out so fast from the washing machine. However wearing pants more than once poses significant problems, it is imperative that you take the socks and underwear out of the pants before wearing them again and this is tricky because sometimes the sock and underwear like to hide in the legs. Always check the legs, because when that underwear pops out the bottom of your pants while you are at work you are going to be embarrassed and it will most likely ruin your day, and if you bring that pain home you may ruin your spouses day as well.
3. Having a spouse is great and your spouse is your best friend. Even though your spouse is your best friend he or she is not your camp best friend. Thus it is not a good idea to give your spouse the Dutch oven. For those of you who don’t know what a Dutch oven is the correct answer is when two people are laying in bed and one person flatulates and pull the covers over the other person’s head trapping the flatulence in an enclosed area, prolonging the stench. Although this may seem like a good idea at the time it never really is, so my advice is treat your partner with the love and respect they deserve unless they tell you about their traffic ticket then its Dutch oven time.
4. When people get married they often develop routines, some people like routines others find them boring and mundane. So if you think life is getting too boring try spicing it up a bit using the following ideas, hide your spouse’s keys, when they fall asleep turn off their alarm, all are great ways to spice up life.
5. Communication, communication is so important. You have to communicate to get to know each other better. But sometimes you just don’t feel like it. Sometimes it may be weird and awkward, let’s say hypothetically if Rachel plugs the toilet, not that that’s ever happened before. But if it did, this is no time to avoid one another but it is a time to communicate and solve a problem the way two people in love should. And I think you guys are both great communicators and a lovely couple, communication will be great between you as long as Rachel can refrain from plugging your toilet like she did a few Tuesdays ago and numerous times before. Don’t worry Rachel I still poop my pants on a regular basis which is a lot worse than plugging a toilet.
6. Have some good times. Enjoy being around each other. Have a few laughs, tell some jokes. Even though this might be hard for John who had some serious problems cracking a joke during the first few months of the dating process. Actually this may be beneficial as women love there man to be serious. So maybe go without for the jokes as long as you can.
7. Faith, you got to have some faith in a marriage, faith in God. God designed marriage and he can play the most important role if you let Him. Obviously marriage can happen without God but that doesn’t mean it’s to be done, I can steer my bike with my feet if I want to that doesn’t make it a good idea. But I don’t think faith should be a big problem for you two, especially Rachel who believed that any key would work in her car. Well she put the mailbox key into the ignition but it got stuck, she then tried to force it out with her foot but ended up breaking off the top piece leaving the remainder of the key stuck in the ignition. Well one week and a new lock later the car was up and running again. Rachel sorry for yet another embarrassing story but once again I soil my pants on a regular basis if you can beat that then I’ll shut up.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Amazing Herb Jamieson Center

Saturday was my last shift at the Hope Mission Herb Jamieson Center. This was probably the most intense job I ever had or will have. Everyday was a new adventure. The Herb definitly had the most inetesting people ever. My favourite client was Paul, no hands down. Unforunatly Paul suffers from seizures but still refuses to take care of his body. This man needs tons of prayer. He often showed up and said certain key phrases that have stuck in my mind. Here is a list of Paul's top 5 sayings:
1. I like to walk alone
2. You know how stubborn I can be
3. I love it!
4. Gimme a bag lunch
5. Call the cops!
Other saying that didn't make the top 5 are, "Have you seen bearclaw?", "Gimme a hot meal", and "Worry about me". "I walk alone" is the saddest phrase I've ever heard, it sounds so lonely and depressing.
I also got to work with some great people such as Doyle, Tim, Jared, Mike, Anthony, Rev. Bob, Mark, Denis, Violet, Lincon, Ron, Bob P, Tamba George, Sunday, Mophat, Joey, Vladamir, Rick, Drew, Anjele, Evan, Nicole, Michala, Tanya, Sri, Norman, Michael, Chris, Otto, Jim, John, Joe, Michelle, David, Randy, Quinn, Norma, and Monique. You guys all rock, keep up the good work.