Sunday, April 09, 2006
more amazing cafes 2

The art n soul cafe was a complete success. thanks to everyone who volunteered and came. $1090 was raised for the trip to Mexico. This money will be put to good use as it will be spent on building a place for kids to stay while their parents have abandoned them for a few days.
The music was quite stunning and I'm not just saying that because I performed. We had some great bands like Profile, Radius, and the Emma Thompsons. Also Nick Higgins proved to be a great performer also. One of the most glorious performances came from Tristen Penny, Robbie Snyder, Scott McKeller, Rob Campbell, and Nick with "Hero", the tune by Enrique Iglaciasiaisisicis.
The Art was also fabulous thanks to Rosalyn, Ted, Nate, Lisa T, Glen.
Also we were glad to have a very special guest with us that night, Brian Gurnett. Brian was very happy thoughout the night and seemed to be having a good time. He laughed at many of the jokes and was also seen playing hackey sack.
stay tuned for more of my retarded posts in the near future!
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yes i enjoyed laughing with special guest myself. everything is funnier when he is around.
thanks for letting the Emma Thompson's play. it was a really good time to see people I haven't sene in a long time and laugh with them.
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thanks for letting the Emma Thompson's play. it was a really good time to see people I haven't sene in a long time and laugh with them.
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