Friday, March 24, 2006
amazing taxes

So it's that time of year again, it's tax time again. Boo yeah. Many of you are wondering why I'm so excited, well the answer is quite obvious. I'm excited because I get to do math. Pencils, erasers, calculators, and math books get me very excited! I am a big fan of formula's, long division, and calculus, what better way to spend a Friday morning. Alot of you may be having some trouble doing your taxes because you're not a mathimatical wizard like me. Here's a few tips:
1. Before you start put on glasses, not only will you look smarter, you'll feel smarter. If is scientifically proven people with glasses are much smarter than people without.
2. Wear a watch with a calculator on it. Looking awesome while doing your taxes makes you feel good.
3. Play some nice background music. I recommend Celine Dion, Nelly, or Clay Aiken.
4. Prepare to party because doing taxes rocks!