Tuesday, March 14, 2006
amazing colons

I am looking forward to heaven. One of the things that is on my heavenly wish list is a new colon. Or if there was some system where the colon was cut out that would be good too. Eating would be cool but if we could skip the whole pooing part I would be down with that. Pooing is quite unproductive, if I spend an average of 5 minutes pooing a day if I live to be seventy, I will have spent 88 days pooing. Anyways, I am quite thankful my colon has been a good boy lately. Yogurt has been especially helpful, I would recomend everyone eat some yogurt today as it helps replenish the good bacteria in the colon. I basically feel that life is all about relationships, relationships with colons. We as a society must start treating our colons better. I am calling this new quest colonrevoulution. Who is with me?
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i'm eating yogurt to participate in this joyous quest with you. Sometimes i think of your colon as the prodigal son however yogurt is like the father who welcomes the son back home.
i've been eating yogurt too. you teach me many good lessons in life. one of which, is to be thankful for my colon. which i am. i'm trying to be a good sister by staying away from large doses of milk.
thank-you kind brother for your guidance.
ps. we get to hang out soon!
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thank-you kind brother for your guidance.
ps. we get to hang out soon!
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