Thursday, May 19, 2005


amazing makeup tips

so my sister is learning about makeup and all that other junk that women love to put on their face. jill might be getting some type of office job so she needs to look more profesional and apparently this means putting on makeup which i call face poo. someone said jill looks "odd" and "out of place" without makeup which i didn't really agree with, but i added the comments "savage" and "preshistoric" to be the nasty older brother but i was joking of course. I really don't understand why if God gave women such beautiful faces why women would want to transorm themselves into clowns. hey all you ladies, there is no need to have halloween every day of the year.
Chris Rock once asked the question "who lies more, men or women?" well he said men tell the biggest lies but women tell the most lies. women are trying to deiceve us, they wear high heels to make us think they're taller, they try and wear makeup to make men think they;re more beautiful (which dosent work according to the above paragraph). i'm a married man and i think the natural beauty of my wife is far greater than any artificial mask she could create. so my amazing makeup tip is not to wear any at all. think of all the money you ladies can save. makeup is expensive and also full of carcenagenic chemicals and free radicals (i can't back that up except the expensive part). now if you readers will excuse me i'm going to take steriods.

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